Greenway Women’s Centre provides a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which women can learn and grow through social interaction, education and personal development.

We offer a range of services, including childcare, training and development programmes, volunteering opportunities and support services that are easily accessible to women.

Greenway Women’s Centre is a place where women can come to gain the skills and knowledge that make them more confident and enhance life choices for themselves and their families, giving them not only a stronger voice but also a proactive role within their immediate and wider community.

Greenway Women’s Centre is a recognised Safe Place for anyone affected by Domestic Violence.

Greenway Women's Centre

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Childcare at Greenway

At Greenway we offer high quality, affordable Childcare services for pre-school children from birth until their fourth birthday, alongside WCCF Funded Childcare and Sponsored Day Care. We also offer Childcare provision for students and volunteers attending Greenway Women’s Centre and intervention services by way of respite care and parent/carer support sessions.

Greenway Childcare Services are currently available Monday to Friday, between 8.30am and 1.30pm, with Private Day Care Sessions priced at just £5 per hour.

Training & Education at Greenway

Greenway has a successful record in delivering education and training programmes and we offer a wide range of flexible education and training programmes developed to suit women’s home, family and work responsibilities, alongside an integrated range of support services, one-to-one study support and on-site childcare services.

Greenway Volunteer Programme

The Volunteer Programme at Greenway Women’s Centre offers an excellent way for participants to build confidence and self esteem and to develop new skills. Greenway Women’s Group was originally formed by volunteers and over the years volunteers have continued to play an integral role in the delivery and development of Greenway’s services.

Mission Statement

Greenway Women's Group exists to provide positive opportunities for women to achieve their potential, through recognising and respecting them as individuals. We achieve this by breaking down barriers which prevent women's full participation in society; specifically targeting social need within Cregagh and surrounding areas.

Greenway Women's Group